Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Special story - God showed up.

I just wanted to let you all know that we're back home, anxiously awaiting our return to Moscow.

I wanted to share with you an amazing event that took place on Tuesday morning, the day we were getting ready to meet our son for the first time. When you are adopting, the experience is unique. There is a wonderful mix of fear, faith, concern, hope, anticipation and anxiety.

Amy and I were having breakfast in the "piano bar" of the casino that we were staying at. We were tired, on the other side of the world, wondering what we were doing. It was a big day. We felt alone in a strange county, distant from our family, and even distant from God. We bowed our head to pray for breakfast, and ask the Lord's blessing on our meal, and heard the piano player transition from some Broadway tune, to "As the Deer Pants for the Water" - a worship song that is near and dear to our hearts. He followed it up with "There is none like you"

What are the odds? On one of the biggest days of our lives, we happen to having breakfast in a piano lounge (instead of at the buffet) in a smoke filled Moscow casino, and the piano player (one of many that we say on our trip)happens to be playing worship music.

It was a God moment. The Earth is the Lords - from the O.C. to Moscow. God is everywhere, working all things together for the good of those who love him.